If I am missing teeth, what routes can be taken to resolve this? What are the pros and cons of each option?
There are three options for replacing missing teeth. The options are dental implants, fixed bridges, and removable partial denture/complete dentures, and each come with their own pros and cons.
Dental Implants. Dental implants have the benefits of feeling like natural teeth without impacting or damaging surrounding teeth. However, dental implants may not be for everyone, since the placement of implants can be a lengthy process.
Fixed Bridge. Fixed bridges are a favorite option by many patients with missing teeth due to how elegantly they mimic the appearance, functionality, and feel of natural teeth. Additionally, when you clean your teeth, you won’t have to worry about removing these bridges. As a drawback, however, surrounding teeth are impacted by the installation of a fixed bridge.
Removable Bridge. Removable bridges have the great benefit of being removable as well as being easily repairable. Because they’re removable, however, these bridges are also less stable than fixed bridges and dental implants, and are more likely to get broken or lost.